Executive Editor is usually the top editor or the editor in chief by title. This person is usually responsible for the content of the publication. An exception is that major newspapers usually have a separate editor for editorials and opinion pages and a separate one for editing news reporting and editorial content.
The executive editor sets the publication standards for performance; and he/she also motivates and develops staff. In addition, the executive editor develops and maintains the publication budget. Together with the editor and the committee process, the executive editor is responsible for strategic and operational planning.
The editors of the newspapers run journals and improve their work. The edition of newspaper runs around a series of titles and functions. These include:
* Copy Editors
* Department Editors
* Publisher’s and chief editor’s help or chief deputy (Editor in chief is often aligned in second place, after the top editor)
* Editors of news, who monitor news bureaus,
* Editors – photo or image
* Section Editors and their assistants, as for business, features, and sports
* Editor of the editorial – one who oversees the editorial assurance. This includes chairing the Editorial Board and assigning responsibilities for editorial writing. The editor of the editorial can also monitor the op-ed page, or those duties that are assigned to a separate editor of op-ed.
* Editors, who are usually called editor-in-chief, executive editor or sometimes, just the editor
* The editors, who are sometimes known as Ombudsmen, who arbitrate complaints
* Wire editors, who choose and edit articles in various international news agencies, and are usually a part of the office copy
* Editors who Edit administrative documents
In North America and South America, editor refers to the editor in charge of the reporting sector of the local circulation of a newspaper (sometimes also called the metro editor); and in United Kingdom an editor refers to the editor in charge of the insurance business in the city of London, and by extension, the insurance business and finance, in general.
Scholarly books and journals
The editors of scholarly books and journals are of three types, each with specific responsibilities:
- the acquisitions editor (or commission of the writer in Great Britain), who contracts with the author to produce the copy
- the editor of project or production editor, who sees the copy through its stages from manuscript through a bound book, and usually assumes most responsibilities of a budget and a program
- A copy editor or an editor of a manuscript, who performs the tasks of preparing copy for conversion into printed form.
The way the standards are applied to a copy editor differs in scholarly books, copy editing newspapers and in other kinds of copy editing. Most scholarly publishers prefer a manual model, usually a combination of the Collegiate Dictionary and Merriam-Webster:
(a) The Chicago Manual of the model, the MLA style manual or manual release of the APA USA
(b) The Manual of the new deer rules in the UK. The new rules are based on the stag “rules of the deer for composers and players,” published by the University Press, Oxford (1893).
Since the followers often have strong preferences, very often an editor will adopt different models for different fields. For example, psychologists prefer the model of APA, while linguists might prefer the MLA style. These guidelines provide sound advice on making the sources cited completely and correctly, and on making the presentation scholarly.